In May and June 2011, Sanford welcomed Rakesh “Rootsman Rak” to deliver a course on permaculture to members of the coop. I took notes on the lectures and now they will be published in The San – with massive help from the editorial collective. Here is the second chapter.
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Tag Archives: food
Permaculture Course – 1
In May and June 2011, Sanford welcomed Rakesh “Rootsman Rak” to deliver a course on permaculture to members of the coop. I took notes on the lectures and now they will be published in The San – with massive help from the editorial collective. Here is the first chapter.
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The Cheap Food Myth
This has been now published in “The San”, my local coop mag. It is a summarised re-write of “What’s wrong with supermarkets?” by Corporate Watch, “made” with people you want to join to your food buying group in mind.
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