Review of the performance of “Twelve”, as adapted from “Twelve Angry Men” by Reginald Rose, and performed by Sanford Collective

Hearing that 51% of the British population seems to be in favour of reintroducing the death penalty, and in the current environment of political unrest, the theatre group Sanford Collective decides it is time for a classic court room drama. Based in Sanford Housing Cooperative, in Sanford Walk, New Cross, this is a self-funded, all-volunteers theatre group where the director and the producer are also part of the cast.

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[:es]Preparaciones para FolkUs[:]

Tratando de replicar algunos de los maravillosos “compost toilets” vistos en “Climate Camps” y proyectos similares, me comprometí con el festival “FolkUs” de la cooperativa “Sanford Housing Coop“.

Estaba planeando construir baños secos totalmente funcionales para el evento pero, después de algunas sutiles objeciones expresadas en privado, decidí poner solamente urinarios con pacas de paja y letrinas.

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[:en]FolkUs preparations[:]

Trying to replicate some of the wonderful compost toilets seen in Climate Camps and similar projects, I got involved in the FolkUs festival in Sanford Housing Coop.

I planned to build fully functioning compost toilets for the event but, after some mild objections expressed in private (not every one manages to see urine as liquid gold), I decided to have just straw-bale urinals and latrines.

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Precariedad de la vivienda

No he estado en Londres ni seis años pero ya he estado en más de diez direcciones. Decidí parar de contarlas en la undécima. Hubo un momento en el que iba a uno de esos lugares en donde hay que notificar el cambio de dirección, y la mujer del mostrador me miraba con incredulidad: “¿Es esta su dirección permanente?” “Permanente o no permanente, es la única que tengo”, pensé. “Sí lo es”, dije.
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Housing precariousness

I haven’t been in London for six years yet but I have already been in more than ten addresses. I stopped counting on the eleventh. There was a point where I would go to one of those places where you have to notify about your change of address, and the woman at the desk would look at me in disbelief: “Is this your permanent address now?”. “Permanent or no permanent, it is the only one I have”, I thought. “Yes it is”, I said.
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