Off-grid paradise, outside the supply system.
Continue readingWhen I started the petition to stop all benefits sanctions, it went so viral it surprised even Jonny Void.
Then I thought I should wait for the campaign to get to more respectable numbers, but the addition of new signatures went slower so I decided to deliver it, with more than 15k, 15,000 (fifteen thousand) signatures on it. Continue reading
I have been reading other blogs more than writing lately. I also sign petitions that I feel are worthwile.
One of the blogs I use for ‘keeping up to date with the world’ is Jonny Void‘s.
So yesterday I read the latest from Jonny Void and it struck a chord; he explains how, under the definitions used in that piece of UK legislation called the “Anti-Terrorism Act”, the benefit sanctions imposed by the Department of Work and Pensions on people on receipt of benefits do indeed constitute acts of terrorism against part of the British population.
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Radical Routes is a coop of coops. It is best explained on their website, but in a personal, shorter definition, it can be seen as occupy, climate and similar camps, and squats, taken to the day-to-day, sustainable way of life. In as much as possible.
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We set off at about three in the afternoon with our camping tents, sleeping bags, lots of water for the journey, some spare clothes to last a week and a lot of dry food from FareShares. Both our bike racks were fully loaded, with two pannier bags and the tents and sleeping bags on top.
I haven’t been in London for six years yet but I have already been in more than ten addresses. I stopped counting on the eleventh. There was a point where I would go to one of those places where you have to notify about your change of address, and the woman at the desk would look at me in disbelief: “Is this your permanent address now?”. “Permanent or no permanent, it is the only one I have”, I thought. “Yes it is”, I said.
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