Activity Pub

We are testing the activity pub plugin at

There are several rules plugins need to fulfill before being added to the multi-site. One is, they must be free, both as in beer and as in freedom. Another one is, they must be currently maintained. This one appears to have been updated 4 days ago, and the license reads as GPL or similar, so it foots the bill.

Not many plugins are available when using, compared to sites like … Partly because not that many plugins are free cost, free software and maintained. Also because, the more plugins (I am starting to call them fireworks), the more chances that things break (each other) and, being run by volunteers, it doesn’t pay to spend sleepless nights fixing things, and for us users, we do prefer the site to be up, running and available.

Now I’ll try to have this visible somewhere on the fediverse.. If it is, ActivityPub worked

Ves esta bici

¿Ves esta bici?

No siempre fue así. La foto fue tomada después del ejercicio de inyección de amor.

Cuando mi amigo GA43i la encontró en un contenedor de basura en Brixton, su manillar estaba caído. Así que los cambios de marcha no estaban allí; estaban a ambos lados de la barra, entre los pedales y el manillar.

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See this bike

See this bike?

It wasn’t always like that. The picture was taken after the love-injection exercise.

When my friend GA43i found it in a garbage bin in Brixton, its handlebars were dropped. So the gear changers were not there; they were on either side of the bar between the pedals and the handle bar.

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Don’t invite me to the square

It makes me feel a mixture of surprise and tedium to keep finding gmail addresses on mailing lists of alternative projects that claim to be fighting against the big megacorporations.

Years ago I wrote this article for indymedia colleagues who invited me to a telegram group, and for others who started communicating via twitter in preparation for indymedia’s 20th anniversary celebration.

This is an update.

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No me invites a la plaza

Me produce una mezcla de sorpresa y de tedio seguir encontrando direcciones de gmail en listas de correo de proyectos alternativos que dicen luchar contra las grandes megacorporaciones.

Hace años escribí este artículo para colegas de indymedia que me invitaron a un grupo de telegram, y para otros que empezaron a comunicarse a través de twitter para preparar la celebración del 20 aniversario de indymedia.

Esto es una actualización.

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13th 4th of June

Another year of remembering, especially on this day, even if we remember most if not every day.

Another year of not being able to go to the place where it happened.

This year I posted this to the critical mass list because Critical Mass London gave some of us the joy of riding back

Dear Critical Mass London

thirteen years ago, we lost a friend while riding from London to Brighton.

A few days afterwards I wrote to this list to ask the mass to head to Brixton that month. I’m sure the conversation afterwards can still be read in the archives.

Critical Mass did indeed ride to the spot where the ride to Brighton had started, in Brixton, and what we did there, and the whole process, played an immense role helping us cope and start to recover from such a massive blow.

So, thank you, Critical Mass for giving us back the joy of riding. Please keep on riding

More posts about Marie, that may help understand:

Bicicletada por el día mundial del Medio Ambiente

En el día mundial del Medio Ambiente, 5 d ejunio, en varias ciudades españolas se organizaron manifestaciones en bicicleta. En Burgos, tres colectivos, Burgos con Bici, CGT y Ecologistas en Acción salieron en “bicicletada” de los aledaños de la iglesia de Santa María la Real y Antigua de Gamonal hacia la estación de trenes Burgos – Rosa de Lima, pasando primero por la Plaza de España y la Avenida del Cid Campeador, entre otras calles del centro de Burgos.

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