The Motorway

motorwayOlder people in Briviesca know full well that there was a before and an after the construction of the AP1, which in my home was never called that way, it was always The Motorway. In a town where ‘everyone knows each other’, where when one spoke of someone the name was of little use – if anything, the nickname, inherited from generations, or ” is the son of…” – new people were known, for information purposes, “Mengano, you know, who came to work on The Motorway”. Continue reading


We had five demonstrations. Then we had this one and, yay, it was published by the provincial paper in its local section. Hurray.

Some evil tongues say that the Diario de Burgos published the picture with the least possible amount of people

This is the first picture, before more people joined us.

This is the last picture, after people had joined us.

And this is the one the paper published.