Electronic publication epub: the e-book

Bearing_Witness_A5I have now converted my book to electronic format.

Some say pdf is the ‘de facto’ format for electronic publication. It can be used for computers on all platforms.

However for other devices like mobile phones or tablets, it seems the EPUB format is better or more useful. I read a few manuals and ‘how to’s but somehow they all turned up to be over complicated, so here is a more simple how to convert to epub.
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benefit-sanct2ionsI have been reading other blogs more than writing lately. I also sign petitions that I feel are worthwile.

One of the blogs I use for ‘keeping up to date with the world’ is Jonny Void‘s.

So yesterday I read the latest from Jonny Void and it struck a chord; he explains how, under the definitions used in that piece of UK legislation called the “Anti-Terrorism Act”, the benefit sanctions imposed by the Department of Work and Pensions on people on receipt of benefits do indeed constitute acts of terrorism against part of the British population.
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