Summary of the technical report and current situation of the web Women on Web

Summary of the technical report and the current status of the WomenOnWeb

22 May 2020

Since the end of January 2020, the information website on abortion Women on Web is being blocked in Spanish territory. As described in a detailed technical report published on the 5th of May, several Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are blocking the website. In the absence of confirmation from the ISP companies, we can only speculate that this blockade could arise as an initiative of the Ministry of Health, through the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS for its acronym in Spanish). Despite the fact that Women On Web has been operating all over the world for years thanks to its unquestionable rigour in the medical and legal field, its website is being censored silently, without any legal intervention and without giving any explanation about the existence of the blockade itself to the users.

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Women On Web

Since pepephone blocked me from accessing, the people from the magma guide know how to contact me, and so they did, when they noticed that the website, which offers information on contraceptive and abortion options and pills on donation, was blocked by all major Spanish internet service providers (ISPs). I couldn’t give them reason apart from confirming that pepephone also blocks it, so I asked some people from hackmeeting and sindominio. A commotion was raised, articles were written in Catalan, in Spanish, in English. The website seems still blocked today. Even though it can be accessed over TOR and some VPN. Apparently the Opera browser offers some free VPN. (So do and but you need a friend to introduce you).

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Bloqueo por censura

Durante dos días no he podido acceder a ninguna pagina de riseup usando el ADSL proporcionado por PepePhone.
Aquí hay una captura de pantalla


Pregunté tanto a gente de  riseup como de Pepephone.

En riseup me dijeron que por su parte no veían problemas, y de hecho se accedía bien a la página desde otras partes de Europa.

Puesto que no obtenía respuesta de Pepephone, para solucionar el problema, lo “rodeé”. Pude utilizar un servicio de VPN de “terceros”.

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Filtraciones inteligentes

Indymedia fue un gran proyecto, casi mundial, nacido en Seattle, Va, EE.UU., en 1999. Fue el primer `lugar’, el primer portal de Internet en el que cualquiera que tuviera un ordenador y una conexión a Internet podía publicar sus propias noticias, su propio texto y contenido multimedia. Continue reading